HSH Raiway Finishes | INTERCOACH 5500
HSH Aerospace Finishes specializes in the manufacturing of Water-Borne Coating Systems for the Aircraft Cabin Interior. We also offer products and solutions for trains and boats
HSH.Finishes.Coating.Water-Borne.Cabin_rayway.Interior.Aerospace.trains.boats.filler.primer.Topcoat.clearcoat.degreaser.FAA/EASA.Certification.Aircraft Cabin Interiors.cost and time saving.FAR 25 853.CS 25 853.shortest lead-time.interplan.OEMs. Water based body filler.Thermo-formable Topcoat.In-Mold-Coating
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Hight flexible topcoat


One of our most unique product is the IC5500 : a High Flexible Topcoat.


This one of a kind product is a one component, non-hazardous, odorless, fast-drying, water-reducible paint for leathers and other flexible substrates (PU foam, vinyl, PVC).


Painting leather seat covers with the IC5500 truly is a cost-saving option.
It will extend their life for years at a minimal cost in comparison with replacing the covers.

The IC5500 can be produced in ANY color,  this solution is also suitable for a re-design of the cabin.
The IC5500 covers so well that a black leather can be painted beige.
A sample half the size of a business card is enough for us to color-match.

The INTERPEN IC5500 is an exclusive packaging developed for the IC5500.
It is a convenient touch-up solution for applications directly inside the car interior.


For application on leather, the IC5500 should be used in combination with the INTERCOACH 5551 Cleaner/Degreaser.
The IC5551 applied with a cloth or Scotch-Brite will prepare the surface of the leather before painting.
It cleans, degreases and ‘opens the pores’ of the leather to achieve a perfect adhesion.
IC5551 evaporates in a few seconds and leaves absolutely no residues on the surface.

Products we have extensively tested can also be recommended to clean and maintain the painted leather.